By inspiration of brotherhood and solidarity between “Ansar and Muhacirin”,  IHO EBRAR  has  “Sister Family Project” started. The inclusion of this project is the most needy families throughout the world but  the needy families in Palestine, Africa and Turkey have priority because of  logistical reasons. Currently, the project is active in the Gaza Strip and Turkey, especially for poor families who  identified and easy to reach regularly.

Through an extensive research by our representatives and our partner organizations, we have forms with data and income situation of needy families. You can purchase these forms online or get from our local volunteers and you can choose your sister’s family. The cost of sponsorship of sister family is € 50. You can pay this amount monthly, quarterly or annually. You can pay to our employees, or transfer to our account.

Within possibility IHO EBRAR can mediate to contact your sister’s family and even to visit them.