On Monday, February 6, two strong earthquakes killed thousands of people in southeastern Turkey. The material damage is enormous and the human toll is also high.
As IHO EBRAR, we are with the victims with all our resources. The damage caused by the earthquake is enormous, the population is in a difficult situation due to the cold and the snow. In order to help the victims of the earthquake as quickly as possible, we have launched an emergency aid campaign for urgent needs.
We are supporting the search and rescue teams in coordination with AFAD (Official Rescue Team of Turkey) with our volunteer teams who have been on the scene since the first announcement of the earthquake. We have also started distributing warm food, raincoats and blankets to the earthquake victims. We call on the citizens of the Netherlands to share their suffering in solidarity with the Turkish population in these difficult times.
You can make a donation online using the form below or transfer it to account number NL48 INGB 0006 0044 26 stating ‘Emergency Aid Earthquake’. We are designated as an ANBI, so your gift is deductible. The money raised will be used for direct humanitarian aid to the people affected by the earthquakes.